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Chemical Search

Shenzhen Cerametek Materials Co., Ltd.

Country: China

ShenZhen Cerametek Materials Co., Ltd.
#1-25-102/8203 HengLingXinCun,
HeShuiKou, GuangMing,
ShenZhen, GD518106,
P.R. China

Phone: +86-755-2324.2554
E-Mail:E-Mail this Supplier

Contact: John Huang

Cerametek Materials/Chemicals: Metal/steel, alloys, Rare earth, (doped) Oxide(s) (Al2O3-ZrO2, Aluminate-Zirconate....), oxy/Nitride, Carbide, Borides, Fluoride, Sulfide, Selenides, Silicide, Tellurides, Arsenide, Phosphides, & High entropy ceramic/alloys, and inorganic/organic reagents (chloride, sulfate, acetate ...)/addtives, Semiconductor, Ceramics, Energy, Phosphor, Glass, Mines, Polymer or Functional materials e.g. Lab wares ...,.and coating, printing, Composite Materials and so on.

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