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Chemical Search


Country: China

Shandong shouguang enonomy & technology development zone. P.R. of China.

Phone: 86-536-5102364
Phone 2: 86-536-5103738
Phone 3: 86-536-5107696, 5107968
FAX: 86-536-5107886, 5101568
E-Mail:E-Mail this Supplier

Contact: Mr.Li Hongcheng

Shouguang Fukang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. at Informex 2010 in San Francisco

Company Profile

Shouguang Fukang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. was established in 1993. And now it is COS, ISO9002 ,GMP, OHSAS18001 and ISO14001 approved. As we have 8 factories to produce more than 10,000mt bromide every year, shouguang fukang is the leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical raw material, bromide compounds, intermediates and color former for thermal paper in the world. At present, our products has been well-received by over 300 clients in 26 provinces of China, and has been exported to over 60 countries such as Germany, USA, Japan and Britain.

Product List: 39


Group : Pharmaceutical Raw Material

Group : Intermediates

Group : Bromides

Group : Sensitizer for Thermal paper

Group : Biological Pharmaceutical

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