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Chemical Search

Target Molecule Corp.

Country: USA

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36 Washington Street,
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Tel: (781) 999-4286 / (781)-999-5354
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Room 405, No 228 Jiangchang San Road, Shanghai,200436
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Phone 3: (86) 400-821-2233 /(86) 021-33632979
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TargetMol Chemicals Inc. is headquartered in Boston, MA, and specializes in products and services that serve the research needs of chemical and biological scientists worldwide. With a client base in 50+ countries, TargetMol has evolved into one of the biggest global research suppliers for compound libraries and small molecule compounds.

* 800+ Compound Libraries
* 20,000+ Inhibitors & Agonists
* 16,000+ Natural Products
* 13,000+ Recombinant Proteins
* Technical Services

With our high-quality products & services, fast & efficient global supply chain, and professional technical support, we believe we will help you shorten your research process and yield a more successful result.

Product List: 67,377

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